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The uncompromised benefits of pawpaw to the body:

  1. Boost Heart Health:

    Cholesterol levels in the body can be reduced with the dietary fiber present in Pawpaw, this fiber from Pawpaw is known to convert a substance named homocysteine that damages blood vessels resulting in heart attack into amino acids which help the body. Presence of antioxidants in Pawpaw will help in prevention of cholesterol oxidization which creates a plaque that can obstruct the artery walls finally that results in heart attack.

  2. Enhances Digestion:

    Pawpaws are found to be helpful for people who suffer from digestive problems , which is due to the presence of two important enzymes papain and chymopapain in this fruit. As one keeps ageing it is found that the production of these digestive enzymes reduce which ultimately results in several health issues which include improper digestion of proteins that result in increased bacteria growth in gastrointestinal system. Pancreatic disorders or cystic fibrosis, chronic indigestion and bloating will also be resolved with papain, Pawpaw seeds can also be used to cure from any problems like intestinal worms along with chronic constipation.

  3. Treat Colon Cancer:

    Cancer causing cells can be destroyed by Vitamin C, E and beta carotene which is commonly found antioxidants in Pawpaw  this fruit also is great relief for people who are going through chemotherapy session since they are known to be best for problems like sore mouth, vomiting and nausea. Dietary fibers and antioxidants present in Pawpaw are known to throw out the toxins which result in dangerous cancer therefore avoiding colon cancer. For better results it is suggested to take mix Pawpaw juice with green bean juice and cucumber juice all in equal quantities that has to be taken after about 12 hours every day which works as a cleaner for colon.

  4. Lose Weight:

    Pawpaw has lesser calories hence it makes it perfect for those who are going on diet at the same time it fills the body with all the necessary nutrients and reduce number of calories.

  5. Controls Menstrual Flow:

    Women who have menstrual problems can take this fruit to be a perfect solution which makes the flow get back to normal stage and relieving any pain or cramps experienced at this time usually. Pawpaw is also known to be used for prevention of pregnancy while this is also at times used for abortions.

  6. Younger Skin:

    Antioxidants present in Pawpaw are the reasons for the skin putting up a fight against premature ageing giving younger look to the skin. Pawpaw can be used as face pack which will prevent the pores from getting clogged and acne which is possible through papain which is said to work as skin exfoliator removing all the dead skin cells.Pawpaw or ointment which has Pawpaw works great for any wounds, burns and skin infections also this fruit is known to moisturize the scalp treating dandruff.

  7. Boosts Male Virility:

    Arginine enzyme in papaya is known to enhance male virility which will increase blood flow to the genital organs also known to help in treatment of erectile dysfunction.

  8. Increases Immunity:

    With the in take of Pawpaw, immunity systems works even better due to the presence of Vitamin A and C which will add strength to the body which helps in fighting against common cold and cough.

  9. Anti-inflammatory:

    There are several anti-inflammatory enzymes which are known to relieve any pain from osteoporosis, edema and arthritis.
Regardless of all its benefits, this fruit only has to be eaten once every week to prevent any diseases like diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s though a ripe Pawpaw is most chosen by people there are very few who know that it is unripe Pawpaw which has more enzymes also the juice extracted from leaves and Pawpaw tree stems is known to be perfect cure against cancer.

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