Amazing $10 Wealth System

Posted by Unknown | 06:40
Your Extra Incomes Business Opportunity!

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Affiliate marketing is the use of your website or blog through the internet to promote products or services of other entrepreneurs. Depending on the number of visitors that visit your website or blog and the consequent amount of sales that is generated, the parent company will compensate you either in the form of commissions or referral fees. The greater the traffic on your website, the more likely will be the amount of sales and your revenue from this business. The amount of commission differs from case to case but on an average it varies from 5% to 50%, even going up to 75% in some rare cases.

Basic Requirements For Affiliate Marketing
The most fundamental requirement for affiliate marketing is that you should have your own website or blog. It would, however be best if you get a domain and a hosting. Also, another important requirement is to have affiliate marketing companies that you can join and whose products or services will be promoting. The next important requirement you must cultivate the habit of patience it will take some time for your business to pick up and yield results. Once you have set up the website or blog and established the content, the website will start working for you on a 24 x 7 basis and sales will pick up gradually.

There is no restriction on the number of affiliate companies that you would like to join. You can choose the products that you would like to promote and avoid the products that you don’t fall in love with. However, you should study the contracts that you would be signing very carefully, especially the fine print. If you find something that you don’t like or want, you should not sign such a contract for affiliate marketing.

Types Of Affiliate Marketing Programs
1)            Single-Tier: In this system, you get commissions for all the sales that you generate through your referral. There is no other income as this is the only aspect of your work.
2)            Two – Tier: Apart from your own referrals and commissions you can recruit other affiliates to join the affiliate program. You will get a small percentage of commission for the sales generated by them. Obviously, this is more rewarding and a better option.

Affiliate programs are ideal for people who are not in a position to have their own products or services and who wish to get into the Internet business. People who already have some sort of e-business can take up affiliate marketing for diversification. Moreover, people who already have affiliate programs as part of their e-business can diversify further.

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing Programs

1)            You can get into the business of affiliate marketing without much preparation as soon as you sign the agreement with the affiliate company.
2)            You will be promoting the products and services of the affiliate company and as such you don’t need to develop any product yourself. You don’t need to face the problems associated with starting and running your business and still you can have a decent income.
3)            You can diversify your e-business with ease. 
Before getting into the affiliate marketing business, you should be aware of all the terms and conditions of the parent companies their products.

Anyone seeking to earn some extra income or even invest full-time in affiliate marketing can initially find the process a little daunting. There are lots of material available to assist you get started on your affiliate marketing enterprise. However, sometimes too much information can be confusing and can distract you from being focused on the real essence of your marketing strategy.

The Affiliate Marketing Deal   

Most affiliate marketing packages will offer you information and strategies to make your business generate an unending profits. The sales letter may claim that you can make about $100 or more a day by making five sales but how do you actually make those five sales? Supposing you have a product that gives you $30 profit, you can make a profit of $5 if you get 100 clicks at 25 cents a click. This may sound like a good proposition but you need to bear in mind that you may not land 100 clicks a day and Google could block your general keywords.  Also, you need to consider creating convincing campaigns for your product, which can be time consuming especially if you already have a full-time job.

Making Affiliate Marketing Work

There are quite a number of tips you can follow in order to increase traffic to your website and make your affiliate marketing scheme more successful. The best way would be to promote or sell other people's products on your website. Join Google Adsense, which is currently the most popular affiliate program on the internet.  This is a pay-per-click affiliate program and Google will place ads that are relevant to your website. Joining 2-tier affiliate programs are also helpful as it enables you to recruit a number of sub-affiliates and claim commission on their revenues as well.

It is also a good idea to join affiliate programs that offer lifetime commissions. This means that you will receive commission for life on revenues generated, sub-affiliates and reorders. This is also known as residual income. Joining affiliate programs that sell or promote a wide range of services from different companies is also a great way to boost your affiliate marketing. These programs will monitor your commission and send you a check on a scheduled payment date. It is also a good idea to be choosy about the affiliate programs you join. Opt for ones that offer high commission rates such as 30%-80%
Optimizing your website is also an important key to driving traffic. Make sure your site is search-engine friendly, attractive and contains quality material presented in a creative way. Avoid using too many graphics as this slows down the loading of the page. Make sure keywords are related to your site and its content. It is also a good idea to promote your site by submitting it to search engines like MSN, Yahoo and Google. Exchanging links, joining forums and regularly submitting articles to article directories can also an immense help.

Following these simple and easy steps can increase traffic to your site and make your affiliate marketing enterprise work better for you.

The uncompromised benefits of pawpaw to the body:

  1. Boost Heart Health:

    Cholesterol levels in the body can be reduced with the dietary fiber present in Pawpaw, this fiber from Pawpaw is known to convert a substance named homocysteine that damages blood vessels resulting in heart attack into amino acids which help the body. Presence of antioxidants in Pawpaw will help in prevention of cholesterol oxidization which creates a plaque that can obstruct the artery walls finally that results in heart attack.

  2. Enhances Digestion:

    Pawpaws are found to be helpful for people who suffer from digestive problems , which is due to the presence of two important enzymes papain and chymopapain in this fruit. As one keeps ageing it is found that the production of these digestive enzymes reduce which ultimately results in several health issues which include improper digestion of proteins that result in increased bacteria growth in gastrointestinal system. Pancreatic disorders or cystic fibrosis, chronic indigestion and bloating will also be resolved with papain, Pawpaw seeds can also be used to cure from any problems like intestinal worms along with chronic constipation.

  3. Treat Colon Cancer:

    Cancer causing cells can be destroyed by Vitamin C, E and beta carotene which is commonly found antioxidants in Pawpaw  this fruit also is great relief for people who are going through chemotherapy session since they are known to be best for problems like sore mouth, vomiting and nausea. Dietary fibers and antioxidants present in Pawpaw are known to throw out the toxins which result in dangerous cancer therefore avoiding colon cancer. For better results it is suggested to take mix Pawpaw juice with green bean juice and cucumber juice all in equal quantities that has to be taken after about 12 hours every day which works as a cleaner for colon.

  4. Lose Weight:

    Pawpaw has lesser calories hence it makes it perfect for those who are going on diet at the same time it fills the body with all the necessary nutrients and reduce number of calories.

  5. Controls Menstrual Flow:

    Women who have menstrual problems can take this fruit to be a perfect solution which makes the flow get back to normal stage and relieving any pain or cramps experienced at this time usually. Pawpaw is also known to be used for prevention of pregnancy while this is also at times used for abortions.

  6. Younger Skin:

    Antioxidants present in Pawpaw are the reasons for the skin putting up a fight against premature ageing giving younger look to the skin. Pawpaw can be used as face pack which will prevent the pores from getting clogged and acne which is possible through papain which is said to work as skin exfoliator removing all the dead skin cells.Pawpaw or ointment which has Pawpaw works great for any wounds, burns and skin infections also this fruit is known to moisturize the scalp treating dandruff.

  7. Boosts Male Virility:

    Arginine enzyme in papaya is known to enhance male virility which will increase blood flow to the genital organs also known to help in treatment of erectile dysfunction.

  8. Increases Immunity:

    With the in take of Pawpaw, immunity systems works even better due to the presence of Vitamin A and C which will add strength to the body which helps in fighting against common cold and cough.

  9. Anti-inflammatory:

    There are several anti-inflammatory enzymes which are known to relieve any pain from osteoporosis, edema and arthritis.
Regardless of all its benefits, this fruit only has to be eaten once every week to prevent any diseases like diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s though a ripe Pawpaw is most chosen by people there are very few who know that it is unripe Pawpaw which has more enzymes also the juice extracted from leaves and Pawpaw tree stems is known to be perfect cure against cancer.

What special traits do the billionaires of this world possess that others don’t? Is there any special skill or uncommon trait I must possess before I can become a billionaire? What trait propelled the school drop out billionaires to success? Were people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg born to be billionaires? Well, read on to find the answers you seek.

In this article, I will be revealing to you 17 uncommon traits of billionaires.So if it’s your dream to become a billionaire, then you might as well start developing these billionaire traits gradually. Without wasting much of your time, below are 17 uncommon traits of billionaires.
17 Uncommon Traits of Billionaires

1. Billionaires start small

Billionaires were not born to be billionaires. They were born like every other human but they desired to be exceptional. Sometimes, most people believe that billionaires such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg emerged overnight to become billionaires. That’s definitely not true.

Most of the billionaires today were nobody’s sometime ago but they started small and kept at it. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, Jerry Yang and David Filo, Larry Page and Sergey Brin started from the Dormitory of their various schools.

Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs started small in their garages. Ray Kroc started as a salesman; Larry Ellison started as a freelance programmer; Li Ka Shing also started small while Dhirubhai Ambani started as a petrol station attendant. The illustrations above prove that most billionaires had a humble beginning; they started small.

2. They think Big

"I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big." – Donald Trump

Another uncommon trait of billionaires is that they think big. They refused to allow their creative imagination be hindered by race, age or background. Though they started from scratch; they dreamt big and worked towards that dream. They didn’t just emerge billionaires overnight; they desired it, they hungered for it and worked towards making that desire a reality.

"I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute." – Warren Buffett

3. Billionaires take calculated risk

"To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks." – Bill Gates

Most people abhor taking risk but billionaires know how to take calculated risk. Instead of shying away from taking risk; what billionaires do is to put up a strong risk management strategy and then go ahead to take that risk. Their ability to take calculated risk is the reason they emerged billionaires.

"You must take risks, both with your own money or with borrowed money. Risk taking is essential to business growth." – J. Paul Getty

4. They are competitive

"When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough." – Donald Trump

"And obviously from our own personal point of view, the principal challenge is a personal challenge." – Richard Branson

The fourth trait of billionaires is competitiveness. Most people dread competition but billionaires thrive in competitive environments. They believe that competition brings out the best in them so they seek it out.

"You don't have to be the biggest to beat the biggest." – Henry Ross Perot

"The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all but goes on making his own business better all the time." – Henry Ford

"We have always had a pretty competitive ferocious battle with British Airways. It lasted about 14 years and we are very pleased to have survived it." – Richard Branson

5. They are focused
"The wise man put all his eggs in one basket and watches the basket." – Andrew Carnegie

Take a look at billionaires and you will observe they are focused in their dealings. They don’t try to do many things at once; they focus on one. When it comes to business; billionaires are focused. Bill Gates and Larry Ellison focused on software; Aliko Dangote, the richest black man in the world focused on commodities. Ray Kroc, Dave Thomas and Carl Linder focused on fast foods.

"Diversification is a protection against ignorance. It makes very little sense to those who know what they are doing." – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, George Soros, John Templeton and Peter Lynch focused on stocks as their preferred investment vehicle. Michael Milken focused on junk bond and that’s why he was referred to as the junk bond king. Ralph Lauren and Giorgio Armani focused on fashion while Anita Roddick and Mary Kay Ash focused on beauty care (cosmetics).

Michael Dell focused on computers; John D. Rockefeller and J. Paul Getty focused on oil. Andrew Carnegie and Lakshmi Mittal focused on steel. Sam Walton, Philip Green, Ingvar Kamprad and J.C. Penny focused on retailing. Walt Disney, David Geffen, Martha Steward and Oprah Winfrey focused on entertainment while Henry Ford focused on automobiles. The list goes on and on.

"The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it." – Andrew Carnegie

6. They are driven by passion

"Passion is what drives me forward. Passion is what makes me go to bed at 2am and wake up at 6am.” – Aliko Dangote; the richest black man in the world

Listen to billionaires speak and you will sense a kind of passion in them. Billionaires are passionate about their calling and they pursue this calling with vigor. It’s this passion in them that keeps them going; despite their wealth, their passion keeps them working for long hours.

"Without passion, you don't have energy. Without energy, you have nothing." – Warren Buffett

7. They are goal getters

“I intend to be, the richest man in the world.” – Howard Hughes

Billionaires are goal getters. They spend time to set goals that are high and challenging but realistic and attainable; and they don’t rest on their oars until their set goals are achieved. To them, life without goals set and achieved is life wasted.

"We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don't know where you are aiming, you don't have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, 'she cared." – Mary Kay Ash

"I think I am very goal oriented. I'd like to win the America's cup. I'd like Oracle to be the No 1 software company in the world. I still think it is possible to beat Microsoft." – Larry Ellison

"A good goal is like a strenuous exercise, it makes you stretch." – Mary Kay Ash

8. They thrive on criticism

"Dare to risk public Criticism." – Mary Kay Ash

I have never seen a billionaire that hasn’t at one time or the other been criticized. Bill Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, J. Paul Getty and other billionaires have been heavily criticized. Henry Ford was even called an ignorant man by some scholars.

"When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for people telling you that you are nuts." – Larry Ellison

But billionaires don’t get weighed down by criticism; instead, they get inspired by criticism. Billionaires welcome criticism because they see criticism as a feedback to improve themselves.

"Never be ashamed! There's some who will hold it against you, but they are not worth bothering with." – J. K. Rowling

"Embrace bad news to learn where you need the most improvement." – Bill Gates

9. They have strong self imposed standards

"I am stingy and I'm proud of the reputation." – Ingvar Kamprad

Get close to a billionaire and you will see a strong willed individual with tough self imposed personal standard. Billionaires don’t compromise their standard; they stick to their self imposed standard no matter what it takes.

"Remain true to yourself and your philosophy." – Giorgio Armani

"People say I am cheap, and I don't mind if they do." – Ingvar Kamprad

10. They believe in themselves

"You are nuts and you should be proud of it. Stick with what you believe in." – Trip Hawkins

Strong self belief is an uncommon trait possessed by billionaires. Billionaires display a high level of self confidence. They have little belief in fate, they strongly believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their set goals. Billionaires take charge of their destiny; they don’t leave it to fate.

"Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember you can achieve." – Mary Kay Ash

11. They are persistent

"Sheer persistence is the difference between success and failure." – Donald Trump

Billionaires are tough and unyielding. They believe that when the going gets tough, the tough should get going." Billionaires are known for being persistent and tough; they press on even in the face of hardship and failure. Billionaires know that without persistence, nothing can be achieved.

"Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." – Ray Kroc

"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure." – Mary Kay Ash

12. They are committed

"I'm not afraid of turning 80 and I have lots of things to do. I don't have time for dying." – Ingvar Kamprad

Unyielding commitment is another uncommon trait of billionaires. Despite acquiring tremendous wealth, billionaires remain committed to their call. An example of this uncommon display of commitment is that of Warren Buffett and Ingvar Kamprad; these two men have pledged commitment to their companies until death. What a tough commitment.

"It's my job for Oracle, the number two software company in the world; to become the number one software company in the world. My job is to build better than the competition, sell those products in the marketplace and eventually supplant Microsoft and move from being number two to number one." – Larry Ellison

13. They learn quickly from mistakes

"Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It's best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations." – Steve Jobs

Billionaires make mistakes, just like every other human and their mistakes sometimes lead to business failures but billionaires don’t get bugged down by mistakes; they don't bow their head in defeat. Instead, they quickly acknowledge their business mistakes, correct them, learn from their failures and move on. They fail but they don't quit. Instead, they get inspired by their failure and use their failure as a stepping stone to success.

"Failure is just a resting place. It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently." – Henry Ford

14. They thrive on pressure and uncertainty

"You must not only learn to live with tension, you must seek it out. You must learn to thrive on stress." – J. Paul Getty

Billionaires thrive on tension; they thrive on uncertainty. Years back; when the billionaires started the entrepreneurial process with nothing, there was no security for their initial investment or guarantee for success. Though they made it through the process; they still thrive on uncertainty despite their wealth.

When Bill Gates dropped out of school to build Microsoft; there was no guarantee of success. There was also no guarantee of success for other drop out billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Larry Ellison and Li Ka Shing. Yet, they emerged successful.

"Without the element of uncertainty, the bringing off of even, the greatest business triumph would be dull, routine and eminently unsatisfying.” – J. Paul Getty

15. They use money as a means to keep score

"I don't make deals for the money. I've got enough much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it." – Donald Trump

Billionaires are driven by passion; not money. They use the money acquired from their businesses as a landmark; a target and a sign to move on to other business challenges. Billionaires use money as a means to keep score; they are not driven by the quest to make money.

"Money was never a big motivation for me except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game." – Donald Trump

"If only your goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it." – John D. Rockefeller

"Being first is more important to me. I have so much money. Whatever money is, it's just a method of keeping score now. I mean, I certainly don't need more money." – Larry Ellison

16. They are opportunists

"The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets." – John D. Rockefeller

Billionaires are opportunists. They are always on the look out for people’s problems because they always want to be the solution to people’s problems. Billionaires move in when others are moving out; they see opportunities where others see problems. Billionaires are like the ancient alchemists; who try to turn lead into gold. Billionaires will always attempt to turn problems into value; they believe in creating value out of nothing.

"Buy when everyone else is selling and hold when everyone else is buying. This is not merely a catchy slogan. It is the very essence of successful investments." – J. Paul Getty

"A good businessman must have nose for business the same way a journalist has nose for news. Once your eyes, ears, nose, heart and brain are trained on business, you sniff business opportunities everywhere.” – Orji Uzor Kalu

17. They use debt to their advantage

"If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." – J. Paul Getty

Debt is a double edged sword that can make or break you but billionaires have mastered the art of debt management. While others advocate staying away from debt; billionaires use debt as a financial leverage to get richer.

"Be careful when you take on debt. If you take on debt personally, make sure it is small. If you take on large debt, make sure someone else is paying for it." – Rich Dad

"Financial leverage is the advantage the rich have over the poor and middle class." – Rich Dad